23 February 2018

Commanders for Israel's Security: No Annexation. Separation! - second phase

Source: mass emailing
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From: Amnon Reshef <amnonreshef@cis.org.il>
Date: 23 February 2018 at 08:46
Subject: No Annexation. Separation! - second phase

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No annexation. Separation!
second phase

Dear Debra V. Wilson,

That Knesset (and national) minority is trying to push forward West Bank annexation again with a draft law scheduled for review by the relevant ministerial committee on Sunday.

CIS has just launched the second phase of an effort to alert those Knesset members who seem reluctant to stop this madness, as well as their respective constituencies, of the potentially irreversible consequences of such a reckless move.

As we gear up to a fill the Knesset with CIS members should the draft law reach the floor (potentially as early as Wednesday), our aggressive social media is in full force. A sample is translated below.

Thank you for your support!


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef

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The post reads as follows:

Benjamin Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman, Moshe Kahlon, Naftali Bennet, Ayelet Shaked, Arieh Deri, Moshe Gafni, Yaakov Litzman, -- you have no mandate to annex!

Your vote this coming Sunday in the Ministerial Committee on Legislation in favor of the annexation law will trigger a countdown towards the end of the Zionist dream.  You will be setting in motion a destructive process leading to the annexation of 2.5 million Palestinians, against the wishes of the majority of Israel's Jewish population.  Annexation will bring an end to Israel's preponderant Jewish majority and with it the country's Jewish and democratic values.  Israel will cease to be our country.

We, 281 members of Commanders for Israel's Security, all former senior officers in Israel's security forces, call upon you to stop this insanity.  We appeal to the Israeli public to join us in demanding that the government fulfill its responsibility towards the Jewish People's one and only nation state, and remove this dangerous annexation law from the public agenda.

NOT annexation. Separation!

Commanders for Israel's Security
Senior Security Officials Promoting Political-Security Arrangements

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