12 December 2016

The Shabak: Monthly Summary – November 2016

Source: https://www.shabak.gov.il/English/EnTerrorData/Reports/Pages/ReportE112016.aspx

Monthly Summary – November 2016
A decrease was evident also in the number of victims: one securityofficer was slightly injured in a shooting attack at an IDF checkpoint near Tulkarm (3 November).

Data regarding terror attacks in November 2016
Following is a regional distribution of attacks:  2 attack from the Gaza Strip, (as in October); 84 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (103 in October); 9 attacks in Jerusalem (48 in October).

Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed inOctober 72 out of 93 were in the form of firebombs (November: 121 out of 151). 

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

Following is a distribution of attacks in November 2016 according to regions:

The Gaza Strip – 2 attacks: 1 IED (pipe bomb); 1 firebomb.

Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 93 attacks: 17 IED (including pipe bombs and improvised grenade); 4 small arms shooting; 72 firebombs (9 in Jerusalem).

High-trajectory launchings from Gaza Strip and Sinai

Throughout November 2016 no rockets or mortar shells were launched** from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, as opposed to one rocket and one mortar shell (within 1 attack) in October.

**Clarification: The number of launchings is the number of rockets/mortar shells actually launched during one high-trajectory fire attack. For example: one attack may include a salvo of three launchings, that is, three rockets/ mortar shells, and so it will be counted as one attack and three launchings.


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