14 October 2016

London Irish Feminist: October 2016: Treasure Trove for Irish Women in London

Source: mass emailing 

London Irish Feminist Network: Newsletter, Vil. 5, No. 7, October, 2016
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Contributing to raising the profile of Irish Women in London

Monday 10th October:  A World at War Short films http://bit.ly/2dkLW4M
Monday 10th - 16th October: 'In The Shadow or In The Shelter'  
Friday 15th: Lecture by President Higgins on Eva Gore-Booth, Congress House FREE  http://bit.ly/2dcjFuj
Thursday 20th-Sunday 23rd: London Short Play Festival at Irish Centre, Camden http://bit.ly/2dKHFE7
Thursday 20th October: Black History Month Exhibition opens at London Irish Centre
Thursday 20th October: Black History Month- I am .... fact or fiction?
workshop  http://bit.ly/2dWRDGc
Friday 21st -Sunday 23rd, 'In The Shadow or In The Shelter continues in South WImbledon, http://bit.ly/2cIrDwX
Thursday 27th: 'I Am Irish' Black History Month Panel Discussion at Irish Centre, Camden http://bit.ly/2cZgTsd
Blooming Survivors Exhibition
at London Irish Embassy
NI abortion rights case at Supreme Court, London 2nd November http://bit.ly/2d4K9Lc
Rise and Repeal, March for Choice, Dublin 2016 -   http://bit.ly/2dUddGQ
News Flash: Tory Child and Social Work Bill could devastate Child Protection Service http://bit.ly/2dkLW4M
'Noor at Mytilini Port'  Directed by Treasa O'Brian. On New Year's Eve in a Lesbos port a filmmaker meets Noor, a young Syrian woman. They make a short film together with a phone.
Showing Monday 10th October, 2016/:  BFI Southbank, NFT3, 6pm
. http://bit.ly/2dkLW4M

In The Shadow or In The Shelter - Lion & Unicorn Theatre, Gaisford St., NW5
"Ireland and Britain live both in the shadow and in the shelter of one another, and so it has been since the dawn of history" – Irish President Michael D Higgins, 2014
Green Curtain Theatre Festival showcases  six one hour plays (five of them by women) that look at three generation of women in conflict.  Two show at each performance from Monday 10th to Sunday 16th October.  Double bill,
Monday 10th - Saturday 15th, 7.15pm
Wednesday 2.30pm
Sunday 2pm
Six one-hour London Irish Plays
Traitors, Cads & Cowards, Martin McNamara
Crows by Day Jackals by Night by Maureen Alcorn
Women's Work by Anna May Mangan

Body and Blood by Lorraine Mullaney
Importance of Being by Anne Curtis
Just Above Dogs by Anne Curtis
http:// https://goo.gl/7Aj6zP

Eva Gore-Booth: Irish Revolutionary and Inspiration for Our Times - A free lecture by the President of the Irish Republic, Michael D Higgins, hosted by TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady. Part of the centenary commemorations of the Easter Rising of 1916.
Eva Gore-Booth – a woman who transgressed the boundaries of her time, sex and class. She was an aristocrat from the West Coast of Ireland who became a prominent trade-unionist and went to live in a working class neighbourhood of Manchester. An ardent campaigner for women suffrage and gender equality in an age still ruled by patriarchal values, she was a prominent advocate of pacifism and a supporter of Conscientious Objectors throughout the heightened militarism of WWI. The daughter of a long line of Anglo-Irish landlords and sister of Constance Markievicz, who wholeheartedly embraced the cause of Irish Freedom.
Eva Gore-Booth's radicalism and unconventional path in life may explain why her memory has for long been obscured in Irish historiography and public memory. With this lecture, President Michael D. Higgins invites all those who are committed to advancing equality and social justice in our times to draw inspiration from the life and achievements of Eva Gore-Booth, a life spent in the public world, in the service of the public good. 
Drinks and light refreshments will be served after the lecture.
Congress House, 23-28 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3LS
Book here: Limited number of tickets left
http://Eva Gore-Booth


At least one play selected for the London Irish Short Play Festival, advertised in our last newsletter, is from a member of the London Irish Feminist Network.  Each play is 15 minutes long, so you can see them all whichever of the four evenings, Thursday 20th- Sunday 23rd October 2016, you attend. 7.15pm,  London Irish Centre, (upstairs Chapel), 52 Camden Square. Tickets are £12 (£10 concessions) and can be booked online at http://bit.ly/2dKHFE7

Black History Month - I am Irish!
Black History Month is being marked at the London Irish Centre (the first time ever?) with an exhibition opening on 20th October.   Black Irish people in London are claiming their Irish identity and exploring the ways they are present and positioned in Irish communities. The titles of the first two events tell us a great deal about their experience in that they suggest that the identity of Black Irish people is often not accepted as authentic.  In a very welcome development, the stories of Black Irish people are beginning to emerge in mainstream media.  In Ireland, there were mixed race children in the orphanages that provoked scandal in recent years when conditions were finally brought to light, mixed race women played important roles in exposing events. In London of course, there are many many children and adults who claim mixed Irish, Black and Asian heritage (See http://bit.ly/2doe5md

At 7.15pm on Thursday 20th October, there will be a workshop 'I am Irish.... fact or Fiction?'  Tickets £5. Book here   http://bit.ly/2dWRDGc

At 7.15pm on Thursday 27th, there will be a panel discussion: 'I am Irish'
at Bringing together diverse voices from Black and Irish communities to reflect together on the challenges facing race, colour, culture and heritage. Book a place http://bit.ly/2dGxYXS

Also watch out for details of Irish in Britain event 'Mixed Blessings' on 8th November, with Elizabeth Owusu. 

In The Shadow or In The Shelter - The Colour House Theatre 2014 - Merton Abbey Mills, London, SW19 2RD
"Ireland and Britain live both in the shadow and in the shelter of one another, and so it has been since the dawn of history" – Irish President Michael D Higgins, 2014
Green Curtain Theatre Festival showcases  six one hour plays (five of them by women) that look at three generation of women in conflict.  Two show at each performance from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd October.  Double bill,
Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd at 7.30pm, Sunday 23rd at 7.15pm
See above for details of the six one-hour London Irish Plays
http:// https://goo.gl/7Aj6zP

Blooming Survivors Exhibit Artwork at London Irish Embassy
Monday 24th October, 2016

Some of you will remember Mary Lodato, from a workshop at the Feminist Library in 2013, where she talked of her experiences as a survivor of institutional abuse as a child in Ireland and showed her striking  artwork.  SInce then, Mary has acquired her Ph.D. Now Dr. Mary Lodato has set about working with other survivors of institutional abuse in Ireland and Britain.

Last year, she established a group called Blooming Survivors whose members have been using art as a means to convey their perspectives on their experiences. A viewing of their work is being held at the Irish Embassy in London on Monday 24th October. The event is invitation only, so most people will have to wait a while before seeing their work.   Blooming Survivors is open to anyone who is a survivor of institutional abuse in Ireland or Britain.

Case challenges unequal treatment for women from Northern Ireland within the UK.  
On 2nd November, the Supreme Court in London  will hear case of A & B  Versus Secretary of State for Health, in which a woman from Northern Ireland and her daughter will challenge the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, on the right of women from NI to have an abortion on the NHS in England.  Lobby your MP on the issue, come to the court and be visible.  Read about the case to date http://bit.ly/2d4K9Lc 

This year's March for Choice in Ireland was over 20,000 strong.  There was a hugely colourful turnout.  The theme of the demonstration was Rise and Repeal.  To see just one of the many online creations generated by the campaign, see  http://bit.ly/2dUddGQ
There is a Child and Social Work Bill going through parliament which is laying the ground to end national regulations for child protection, allowing local councils to opt out of national regulations and private companies to run hitherto statutory services.  For further information see  http://bit.ly/2cZgTsd
Text of Child and Social Work Bill is at http://bit.ly/2dUbEJ3 

Copyright © 2016 London Irish Feminist Network, All rights reserved.
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