20 May 2016

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press 19 May 2016

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Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Today's issues: Flag-waving legislation, the prime minister's reckless appointment, a step in the right direction, and the return of the right-wing bloc.

The Jerusalem Post slams Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev's 'cultural loyalty' initiative, which would require all state-funded institutions to fly the national flag, including sports centers, soccer stadiums, schools, cultural institutions and theaters built with state funds in both Jewish and Arab municipalities. The editor contends that loyalty cannot be legislated, nor can a real sense of loyalty can be forced down a people's throat, and asserts: "If Regev and the government want to increase loyalty within the Arab and even Haredi sectors, the state should consider increasing its investments in those communities' schools and institutions."

Haaretz asserts that Prime Minister Netanyahu has once again chosen "to veer right and establish an ideological, racist coalition that aims to entrench the occupation, expand the settlements in the territories, oppress the Arab minority and undermine Israeli democracy," and adds: "It's hard to imagine Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu making a more reckless and irresponsible decision than appointing Avigdor Lieberman defense minister." The editor argues: "At the moment of truth, the prime minister has demonstrated that he is prepared to drag the country into a potentially disastrous military adventure, to remove all moral constraints and to encourage blatant racism, for the sole purpose of staying in power," and concludes: "The high price will be paid by Israel's citizens and their Palestinian neighbors."

Yediot Aharonot is fascinated by the peace initiative, which was set forth on Tuesday by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and notes that while he has promised not to force any solutions, he knows he cannot afford to fail. The author comments that the implementation will be in stages, and declares: "There are no shortcuts, and without painful compromises on both sides as well as (Saudi) incentives, Sisi knows he'll never reach his end goal."

Israel Hayom contends that with the dramatic entrance of the Yisrael Beytenu party to the coalition and the appointment of Avigdor Liberman as minister of defense, "Netanyahu got what he wanted more than anything -- to expand the coalition and no longer depend on the few Knesset members who made life difficult -- and the price he paid was not particularly high," and asserts: "If Netanyahu and Lieberman are the big winners, then the losers -- Herzog and Ya'alon -- have mainly themselves to blame."

[Smadar Perry and Mati Tuchfeld wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, respectively.] 

19 May 2016

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