31 May 2016

The Huffington Post Canada: Help for Fort McMurray has arrived from South Africa.

Help for Fort McMurray has arrived from South Africa.
300 South African firefighters made their way to Alberta this weekend to join efforts to fight wildfires raging across the province.
"As a country we needed to respond to the call for help from Canada as they are facing a major environmental challenge," said Barbara Thomson, South Africa's deputy environmental affairs minister.

Inclusive Mosque Initiative: We cannot wait for IMI in conversation with Jin Haritaworn - Launching Queer Lovers and Hateful Others. We'll talk about gentrification, islamophobia, queer communities of colour. Tickets are FREE! But make sure you register.

Inclusive Mosque Initiative shared their event.
4 mins
We cannot wait for IMI in conversation with Jin Haritaworn - Launching Queer Lovers and Hateful Others. We'll talk about gentrification, islamophobia, queer communities of colour. Tickets are FREE! But make sure you register.
Looking forward to hosting you Jin Haritaworn  !

28 May 2016

BBC: UK spy agencies 'recruiting more women'

Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36396069

UK spy agencies 'recruiting more women'

MI6 building in LondonImage copyrightPAImage captionMI6 and GCHQ advertised on Mumsnet for the first time this year
UK intelligence agencies say they are recruiting more female staff - and are targeting middle-age and "mid-career" women for jobs.
MI6 and and GCHQ advertised on the Mumsnet website for the first time this year, and MI5 has raised its target for women employees to 45% by 2021.
Flexible working and the importance of "high emotional intelligence" are also being stressed in recruitment.
The agencies were responding to calls from MPs to recruit more women.
Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee reported in March 2015 that 37% of intelligence agency staff were women and women only make up 19% of senior civil servants in the agencies.

'Diversity champions'

One year on, the government says that it and the agencies - internal security service MI5, external spy agency MI6 and the government listening post GCHQ - "agree wholeheartedly" with the need for "diversity" in agency staff.
It says action has been taken since the report was published to "increase their focus" on "all aspects of diversity", including recruiting more women.
Recruitment targets, "diversity champions", events such as a recent "Women in Cyber" event and more career support for female officers are part of efforts to employ more women and encourage talented existing women to apply for promotion.

Flexible working

They also say they are doing more to "promote a flexible working culture" for men and women with childcare commitments and to allow women returning from maternity leave to take up their old jobs - including in intelligence roles.
The three agencies also said they were always looking for "new and innovative ways to recruit those with the right skills, mind-set and diversity of approach".
GCHQImage copyrightGCHQImage captionThe government's listening station, GCHQ, has increased job applications from women
MI5 had already used Mumsnet as well as local newspapers to target women "not currently in work" while the other two agencies did so for the first time this year.
GCHQ has also removed a requirement of a 2:1 university degree from its "fast-stream" recruitment to encourage women who had followed a "non-traditional graduate route".
The government said the initiatives were having an effect as MI5 had recently been placed in the Times Top 50 employers for women and had increased its number of new female employees by 5% to 46% of new recruits. GCHQ had seen applications from women rise to 40%. MI6 had increased its female recruitment targets for 2016/17 after seeing a 4% drop in women - to 41% of new recruits.
The government also said career support for female staff was having a "real impact" with increased numbers of women applying for senior roles in MI5.

Israel's Security Models and Some Politics

"You have to talk to your enemy." - Efraim Halevy
Last week, Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon resigned, warning the country had been taken over by "dangerous and extreme elements". Yaalon's…


​​Efraim Halevi was the ninth Director of the Mossad, and served from 1998-2002. He was born in England in…

23 May 2016

‎משה (בוגי) יעלון - Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon

פרידה אחרונה מחיילי וחיילות לשכת שר הביטחון. אין כמוכם!
Final farewell of my soldiers wẖyylwţ office of the secretary of defense. You two are the best!

22 May 2016

Young, Gifted and....

A Chicago teenager was denied prom participation over a Black empowerment poem. JETmag was on the scene for her protest. Read more about her plight.

Andrew Jones is the portrait of the perfect student. He carried a 4.0 grade point average through high school and became valedictorian. He excelled at sports and even has a football scholarship…

5 hrs
It’s happened again. Another arbitrary rule nearly ruined a graduate’s big day. The charge this time? Representing culture.http://ow.ly/oLZT300EZZD

Stop the War Coalition: Phyllis Bennis in conversation with film maker Amir Amirani

MarrShow: Eddie Izzard begs for registered young voters for in-EU (22May16)

‪#‎Canada‬ ‪#‎Defining‬ ‪#‎Security‬ and #Defining ‪#‎US‬ and ‪#‎Them‬ ‪#‎CSIS‬ via the Research based Facebook, Relationships in Conflict

Published by SoundCloud16 hrs

Canada Defining Security and CSIS

Research https://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/bts/role-en.php

CSIS is responsible for protecting Canadians against threats to national security by investigating threats, conducting intelligence collection and analysis, sharing intelligence, and security screening. CSIS helps to protect against terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, espionage,...