29 February 2016

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press - 28 February 2016

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Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Today's issues: Israel's new cultural justice, educating the Education Minister, Gaza's terrible state, a new era in Israeli-African relations, and Tel Aviv's transport plan goes off the rails.

The Jerusalem Post is distressed by the implications of newly installed Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit's acceptance of a new bill recently introduced by Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev, which would grant her the authority to censor cultural expressions she deems disloyal to the state, by denying them public funding, and declares: "It is alarming that an ambitious politician who champions such anti-democratic views should receive support from the country's attorney-general."

Haaretz criticizes Education Minister Naftali Bennett's latest attack on the education system, which saw him oust the ministry's chief scientist, Prof. Ami Volansky, from his post, and his intent to appoint a chief scientist on his behalf. The editor maintains that "The education minister's attitude to anyone who tries to voice a clear, professional opinion is concerning," and adds: "It shows, once again, that Bennett has difficulty understanding that the ministry under his care is not his private domain."

Yediot Aharonot contends that while "Hamas is to blame for Gaza's terrible state, not Israel," it would behoove the authorities to listen to the warnings of senior IDF officers, such as the head of IDF Intelligence, Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi, who state that the Strip will not be suitable for human habitation within five years. The author asserts: "This is not propaganda. It is a realistic prediction. One should listen carefully to who has been warning of this grim reality," and declares: "Israel must do everything to give hope to the Strip's inhabitants."

Israel Hayom discusses the decades of aid Israel has provided African countries, and, foreseeing a new era in Israeli-African relations, declares: "Hopefully Netanyahu's upcoming visit to Africa and the Kenyan president's recent trip to Israel will ring in mutual cooperation."

Globes  is critical of the new plan for constructing an underground railway in Tel Aviv, and asserts: "Instead of embodying long-term planning, the proposed greater Tel Aviv rail network is a patched-up product of political compromise."

[Ben-Dror Yemini, Judith Bergman and Amiram Barkat wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Israel Hayom and Globes, respectively.]

28 February 2016

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