29 February 2016

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press - 28 February 2016

Source: mass emailing

 MFA Newsletter

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press
Today's issues: Israel's new cultural justice, educating the Education Minister, Gaza's terrible state, a new era in Israeli-African relations, and Tel Aviv's transport plan goes off the rails.

The Jerusalem Post is distressed by the implications of newly installed Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit's acceptance of a new bill recently introduced by Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev, which would grant her the authority to censor cultural expressions she deems disloyal to the state, by denying them public funding, and declares: "It is alarming that an ambitious politician who champions such anti-democratic views should receive support from the country's attorney-general."

Haaretz criticizes Education Minister Naftali Bennett's latest attack on the education system, which saw him oust the ministry's chief scientist, Prof. Ami Volansky, from his post, and his intent to appoint a chief scientist on his behalf. The editor maintains that "The education minister's attitude to anyone who tries to voice a clear, professional opinion is concerning," and adds: "It shows, once again, that Bennett has difficulty understanding that the ministry under his care is not his private domain."

Yediot Aharonot contends that while "Hamas is to blame for Gaza's terrible state, not Israel," it would behoove the authorities to listen to the warnings of senior IDF officers, such as the head of IDF Intelligence, Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevi, who state that the Strip will not be suitable for human habitation within five years. The author asserts: "This is not propaganda. It is a realistic prediction. One should listen carefully to who has been warning of this grim reality," and declares: "Israel must do everything to give hope to the Strip's inhabitants."

Israel Hayom discusses the decades of aid Israel has provided African countries, and, foreseeing a new era in Israeli-African relations, declares: "Hopefully Netanyahu's upcoming visit to Africa and the Kenyan president's recent trip to Israel will ring in mutual cooperation."

Globes  is critical of the new plan for constructing an underground railway in Tel Aviv, and asserts: "Instead of embodying long-term planning, the proposed greater Tel Aviv rail network is a patched-up product of political compromise."

[Ben-Dror Yemini, Judith Bergman and Amiram Barkat wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Israel Hayom and Globes, respectively.]

28 February 2016

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Source: mass emailing
Winnipeg Police Service E-Watch: A Crime Prevention Education & Awareness Initiative
View neighbourhood reports for Residential Break and Enters and Stolen Vehicles.
Visit CrimeStat to view Crime Statistics in Winnipeg.
The CrimeStat website is an online resource that provides timely statistical information relating to crime in Winnipeg.

Crime Prevention Tip

    Winnipeg Transit is becoming ever increasingly popular.  With the opening of diamond lanes, express routes and the first phases of rapid transit, people are realizing that it can be a more cost and time efficient form of travel.
    Here are some precautions and safety considerations when using our public transportation:
  • Plan your trip. Know routes and schedules;
  • If you do not have a bus pass, carry the exact amount of money for your fare. Winnipeg Transit drivers do not carry currency to make change;
  • Advise a family member, friend, or co-worker of your travel route and schedule;
  • Use well illuminated and busy areas to wait for and to exit a transit bus, especially during early morning and late evening hours;
  • Sit near the bus driver if possible;
  • Do not doze off or get too distracted by other things such as iphones or ipods. Lack of attention can make you an easy target;
  • Keep your purse, shopping bag, backpack and other belongings on your lap, on your arm, or at your feet. Do not leave them on an empty seat. If utilizing the storage area at the front of the transit bus, DO NOT leave valuables in backpacks, etc;
  • Avoid displaying expensive looking watches, rings, necklaces, and electronic equipment;
  • Observe the behavior of others around you. If you feel uneasy or threatened, change your seat and/or alert the driver.
  • Be aware that all Winnipeg Transit buses are now equipped with on board Audio/visual surveillance systems and decals informing passengers that this technology is in use. This technology is for your safety!
For your added safety and convenience, Winnipeg Transit offers “Request Stop” service, which allows riders to get off the bus between regular stops. This service is available every day, from 7 p.m. until the end of service.
            It’s simple. Here’s how it works:
  • Inform your operator at least one stop ahead of the requested stop.
  • Exit by the front door only.
 **At times, the operator may be unable to fulfill your request due to safety reasons.
            Remember: People who appear alert and confident are less likely to be victimized. Always take proper precautions if you are going to be traveling on any form of public transportation.

OUTBurst 19 February 2016

Source: mass emailing

Today is a grey day here in Saskatoon, but at least the weather is mild.  OUTSaskatoon will be hosting Rae Spoon:  Gender and Other Jokes this evening at 7:00PM.  All are welcome to attend!

We have some excellent upcoming events and programming here at the centre in the near future, check it out.

Upcoming Events and Programming

Undoing Stigma - Join Garnet Woloschuk for a presentation about Undoing Stigma surrounding HIV and gay men's health as it was presented at the 11th Annual BC Gay Men's Health Summit in Vancouver this past year.  All are welcome to attend on Thursday, February 25th at 7:00PM, refreshments will be provided.

Pierogi Making Workshop - OUTSaskatoon is offering an excellent opportunity to our community, come and learn how to make pierogies with Anita's Perogies on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:00PM.  Please RSVP with Liz as soon as possible, due to limited space.

Sex Week - The USSU Pride Centre is celebrating Sex Week February 29th to March 5th with many different events and presentations going on throughout the week.  Check out their Facebook page for details.

Wills, Power of Attorney & Healthcare Directives - The ProBono Students volunteer program at the University of Saskatchewan will be leading a workshop at OUTSaskatoon on Thursday, March 10th at 7:00PM, offering free legal advice on these topics.  All are welcome to attend.

Media Sale - We are having a ONE DAY ONLY DVD, VHS, record, CD, book and magazine sale.  At OUTSaskatoon on Thursday, March 17th 9am to 9pm.  Nothing will be over $5, all money raised will go back into our library to purchase new books.

Financial Literacy Series
 - We are pleased to bring you a three workshop series on financial literacy in cooperation with READ Saskatoon in March and April.  Please see our website for dates, workshop topics and to sign up!

Ongoing Programming

Gens Hellquist Queer Sexual Health Clinic - OUTSaskatoon in cooperation with the Sexual Health Centre Saskatoon offers HIV, STI and pap testing every Thursday 6:00PM to 9:00PM.  Walk-ins are welcome, appointments are recommended.  Call 306-665-1224 to book yours today.

CHEP Good Food Box - Did you know that OUTSaskatoon is a Good Food Box Pick-Up point?  Every two weeks you can add fresh fruit and vegetables to your life.  Email Liz with all inquiries.

Chest Binders - OUTSaskatoon sells tri-top chest binders at cost for $45!  Check out our website, you can purchase online or come on in to the centre.

Well that's about all we got for now.  We hope you have a great weekend!

Liz Senecal, Administrative Coordinator of OUTSaskatoon


27 February 2016

Israel Defense Forces: I was born Jewish in a small village in Ethiopia.

“I was born Jewish in a small village in Ethiopia. I never knew my father. When I was five years old, my mother and I were set to move to Israel. It had always been her dream. A week before the flight, my mother died in a car accident. I couldn’t move to Israel on my own because I was too young. I was adopted by my father’s sister, a Christian.
Throughout my childhood I always knew I was Jewish, and dreamt of one day moving to Israel.
Around the age of 18 (I never knew my b...
See More

26 February 2016

Royal Canadian Mounted Police: The Uniform

The Shin Bet: Monthly Summary – January 2016

Source:  http://www.shabak.gov.il/English/EnTerrorData/Reports/Pages/ReportE010216.aspx

Monthly Summary – January 2016

January 2016 saw a continued decrease in the number of attacks: 169 (136 in the form of firebombs), as opposed to 246 in December 2015. The decrease was evident in all regions. 126 attacks occurred in Judea and Samaria, compared to December's 194 attacks. 39 attacks took place in Jerusalem, as opposed to 43 in December and one attack within the Green Line, compared to two in December. The number of attacks originating in the Gaza Strip: 3, compared to December's 7.
Five Israelis were killed in January in terrorist attacks and 28 (18 civilians and 10 security forces personnel) were injured. 1 January's major shooting attack on Dizengoff St. in Tel Aviv killed two civilians and injured 7. Another casualty, related to this attack, is a taxi driver who picked up the attacker near the scene of the attack, and was later killed by him.

Additionally, two Israeli civilians were killed in stabbing attacks: one woman in Otniel, near Hebron, on 17 January, and another in Beit Horon, near Jerusalem, on 25 January.

Among the non-fatal casualties, 14 were wounded in shooting attacks- 7 in the aforementioned attack in Tel Aviv, 1 in Samaria and 6 in Judea.8 were stabbed – 3 in Jerusalem, 1 in Samaria and 4 in Judea, and 6 were wounded by firebombs in Jerusalem and the surrounding area (3 civilians and 3 security forces personnel).
Jewish terrorism – a carwash in Petah Tikva, employing Arab workers, was set on fire on 18 January.

Data regarding terror attacks in January 2016

Following is a regional distribution of attacks:  3 attack from the Gaza Strip, (7 in December); 126 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (194 in Dec.); 39 attacks in Jerusalem (43 in December); 1 within the "Green Line" (2 in December).

Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed inJanuary 136 out of 165 were in the form of firebombs (Dec: 181 outof 237). 

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

Following is a distribution of attacks in January 2016 according to regions:

The Gaza Strip – 3 attacks:  2 rocket launchings; 1 IED.

Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 165 attacks: 8 small arms shooting; 12 IED (including pipe bombs and improvised grenade); 9 stabbing (4 in Jerusalem); 136 firebombs (35 in Jerusalem).

The "Green Line" – 1   attack: shooting attack in Tel Aviv.

High-trajectory launchings from Gaza Strip and Sinai
Throughout January 2016 seven rockets were launched** from the Gaza Strip towards Israel (within 2 attacks), as opposed to one in December 2015.

**Clarification: The number of launchings is the number of rockets/mortar shells actually launched during one high-trajectory fire attack. For example: one attack may include a salvo of three launchings, that is, three rockets/ mortar shells, and so it will be counted as one attack and three launchings.

23 February 2016

TSAS: Please find a link below to a policy brief on Countering Violent Extremism.

Source: via mass emailing

February 23, 2016
Dear colleagues,

Please find a link below to a policy brief on Countering Violent Extremism. This has been written by Sara Thompson (Associate Director, responsible for the society research field of The Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society--TSAS), Daniel Hiebert (Co-Director, TSAS), and Larry Brooks (retired Director General, CSIS). It provides an overview of our thoughts on the appointment of a national coordinator for countering radicalization.

We hope you find the policy brief useful.

Best wishes to all,
Daniel Hiebert

Professor of Geography, University of British Columbia, and
Co-Director, TSAS
Read the full brief here

22 February 2016

WomenSecurity PeaceFeminism sent you a video: "Historical anti-war protest in London: 15 February 2003"

WomenSecurity PeaceFeminism has shared a video with you on YouTube

Two million protested against war in Iraq in London on February 15, 2003, amid global demonstrations comprising the biggest protest event in world history. As Channel 4 News reported, the war was "historically unpopular" and the "mother of all focus groups" had descended on London to bring that fact home to Tony Blair.
©2016 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

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“Our aim is to develop the next generation of First Nations leaders by looking through the lens of Israel’s inspiring story."
Read more here: http://bit.ly/1UiPpgj ‪#‎norwayhouseisrael‬
Canadian First Nations' youth come to see 'Start-up nation' seeking inspiration and motivation.

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