22 December 2015

Jarem Sawatsky: 5 Top Resources – My Gift To You

Source: mass emailing via Jarem Sawatsky - Dancing with Elephants 

5 Top Resources – My Gift To You

Christmas Greetings

Deep joy and peace to you in this season.

As my Christmas gift to you, I thought I would give you the top 5 online resources I have been using this year.  Almost exactly a year and half I was diagnosed with a fatal disease called Huntington Disease and had to end my work as a university professor, author, and researcher in peace and conflict studies.  To tell you truth, I have enjoyed the last year and half.  This list below shows you where I have been putting my attention and my curiosity, but also what has been feeding me.  Perhaps these resources will nourish your own spirits as well.

underachievementpenguindemotivator 1. My Most Popular Blog Post of the Year, So Far 

6 Keys To Enjoying Losing Your Mind.  I have been having lots of fun developing my blog, Dancing with Elephants: A Beginners Guide to Losing Your Mind.  If you have time for just one post, you might like this one. It has had over 1500 views and 275 shares on Facebook (just in November).

2. New Website - Art and Soul of Compassion

Many of John Paul Lederarch's  works and teachings (a Mennonite Peacebuilder) have had a huge influence on my own. John Paul (along with others) started a new website this year called The Art and Soul of Compassion.  It brings together an annotated bibliography on creativity, compassion and spirituality and a dozen or so digital stories of people who participated from very different fields, including neuroscienctists, poets, songwriters and artists, therapists, peacebuilders and contemplatives.

3. New Book - Voices of Harmony and Dissent

Voices-of-Harmony-3-D-Cover-300Half way through this year, a book I help to co-edit was launched: Voices of Harmony and Dissent: How Peacebuilders are Transforming Their Worlds. These stories of those who passionately pursue peace dare us to envision what kind of peace action may be possible for each one of us.  Each chapter is by a different peacebuilder, all people I happily call my teachers.  Could be a great Christmas gift.

4. New Website CaringBridge

A friend of mine and fellow peacebuilder, Michael Bischoff, learned on Sept 24 that he has a brain tumour. He started a website with his reflections which are so full of courage and honesty.  His reflections inspire me.  You can find Michael's stories at: CaringBridge

5. Free e-book- Peacebuilders Toolbox

Early this year I co-authored Peacebuilders' Toolbox: 52 Online Resources For Peace Work with the current Co-Directors of the Canadian School of Peacebuilding: Wendy Kroeker and Valerie Smith. These are the online tools and guides we wish we had when we started our peace work.  Over 1700 copies have been shared this year.  You can get a free copy at the link above.

Blessings on your journey ahead. Feel free to share post as you see fit. 

Take Care,

Jarem Sawatsky

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