26 December 2015

Times of Israel via New Israel Fund (Australia): Ex-Shin Bet chief: Far-right threat today is ‘worse than before Rabin’s murder’

"We’re at a worse point than before the assassination of Rabin" – Carmi Gillon, who was head of the Shin Bet when Yitzhak Rabin was murdered.
More than ever we need to be vigilant to the scourge of Jewish terrorism and extremism.

Carmi Gilon, who headed security service when PM was assassinated, says Duma terror suspects part of underground that aims to destroy Israel

22 December 2015

NGO CSW: Press Release: NGOS Brief the CEDAW Committee On “Cities For CEDAW”

Source: mass emailing

Press Release: NGOS Brief the CEDAW Committee On "Cities For CEDAW"
Press Release: NGOS Brief the CEDAW Committee On "Cities For CEDAW"

Contact:Media communications
             212 867-6161

Report describes civil society leaders joining forces
to promote groundbreaking global-to-local campaign

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 12 December, 2015 – The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (NGO CSW/NY), one of three women's committees of CoNGO that advocates for women's rights and gender equality, released their report presented to the CEDAW Committee on the groundbreaking "Cities for CEDAW" campaign. The document notes that the NGO CSW/NY led a delegation of nine U.S. NGO leaders to brief CEDAW experts during the committee's last session. This unique campaign aims to drive U.S. support of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) by encouraging cities — with an initial goal of 100 — to adopt the treaty as a city ordinance. The U.S. remains one of seven countries that have not yet ratified CEDAW, alongside Iran, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and two small Pacific Island nations.

According to Soon-Young Yoon, NGO CSW/NY focal point for the campaign, "The concept is simple. If we can build the 17 Sustainable Development Goals on the foundation of women's human rights in cities, we can change the future of the world. The influence of a global-to-local campaign can't be underestimated."

About 20 CEDAW experts and a number of civil society leaders attended the briefing. Representatives from Kansas City, Louisville and San Francisco exchanged views with CEDAW experts on the considerable progress made during the U.S. campaign.

Dr. Emile Murase, Executive Director of the San Francisco Department on The Status of Women, explained that considerable progress has been made since San Francisco adopted CEDAW as a city ordinance in 1998. She cited that the rates of violence against women and girls has steadily decreased, and hiring in key sectors like Public Works and fire department have become more gender balanced. Other cities, are following San Francisco's lead: Berkeley and Los Angeles, along with the State of Hawaii, have likewise already implemented CEDAW, and Kansas City and Louisville, are in the process of doing the same. What's more, Miami-Dade County in Florida became the first county to pass a countywide ordinance on CEDAW and there are now statewide coalitions working in Oregon and North Carolina.  On a national level, Marilyn Fowler of Women's Intercultural Network, a peer co-leader in the "Cities for CEDAW" campaign, explained the high demand for information and training throughout the US.

The NGO delegation's briefing was met with praise and support for future momentum. During the interactive dialogue, Yoko Hayashi, CEDAW expert from Japan and Chair of the CEDAW Committee, along with other experts, expressed strong support for the "Cities for CEDAW" campaign. Pramila Patten, CEDAW expert from Mauritius, noted, "This is an historic meeting you are having with the CEDAW Committee," and Nicole Ameline, CEDAW expert from France asked, "How can we extend this initiative?"  Patricia Schultz from Switzerland echoed these sentiments when she said, "Congratulations on the coalitions….Your campaign seems to be a model."  Ideas were exchanged on how to make the US campaign successful internationally.

The NGO delegation invited Committee members to join events on "Cities for CEDAW" that are planned for the NGO CSW Forum, which will be held in parallel with the UN Commission on the Status of Women meeting in New York (14 to 24 March) next year.

The full report presented during the briefing is available online.

About the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (NGO CSW/NY) is one of three women's committees of the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the UN (CoNGO). Under CoNGO's umbrella, the NGO CSW/NY committees helped plan the NGO Forums at the UN World conferences in Mexico, Copenhagen, Nairobi and Beijing. The NGO CSW/NY works in partnership with other CoNGO committees to organize the NGO CSW Forum that includes Consultation Day in preparation for the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meetings. It also facilitates interaction between NGOs and the UN on a wide range of issues including peace and security/violence against women, women's health, migrant and refugee women, climate change and the environment. The NGO CSW/NY is a volunteer-based, non-profit NGO funded largely by individual contributions.

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You are receiving this email as a friend of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women.

Our mailing address is:
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Jarem Sawatsky: 5 Top Resources – My Gift To You

Source: mass emailing via Jarem Sawatsky - Dancing with Elephants 

5 Top Resources – My Gift To You

Christmas Greetings

Deep joy and peace to you in this season.

As my Christmas gift to you, I thought I would give you the top 5 online resources I have been using this year.  Almost exactly a year and half I was diagnosed with a fatal disease called Huntington Disease and had to end my work as a university professor, author, and researcher in peace and conflict studies.  To tell you truth, I have enjoyed the last year and half.  This list below shows you where I have been putting my attention and my curiosity, but also what has been feeding me.  Perhaps these resources will nourish your own spirits as well.

underachievementpenguindemotivator 1. My Most Popular Blog Post of the Year, So Far 

6 Keys To Enjoying Losing Your Mind.  I have been having lots of fun developing my blog, Dancing with Elephants: A Beginners Guide to Losing Your Mind.  If you have time for just one post, you might like this one. It has had over 1500 views and 275 shares on Facebook (just in November).

2. New Website - Art and Soul of Compassion

Many of John Paul Lederarch's  works and teachings (a Mennonite Peacebuilder) have had a huge influence on my own. John Paul (along with others) started a new website this year called The Art and Soul of Compassion.  It brings together an annotated bibliography on creativity, compassion and spirituality and a dozen or so digital stories of people who participated from very different fields, including neuroscienctists, poets, songwriters and artists, therapists, peacebuilders and contemplatives.

3. New Book - Voices of Harmony and Dissent

Voices-of-Harmony-3-D-Cover-300Half way through this year, a book I help to co-edit was launched: Voices of Harmony and Dissent: How Peacebuilders are Transforming Their Worlds. These stories of those who passionately pursue peace dare us to envision what kind of peace action may be possible for each one of us.  Each chapter is by a different peacebuilder, all people I happily call my teachers.  Could be a great Christmas gift.

4. New Website CaringBridge

A friend of mine and fellow peacebuilder, Michael Bischoff, learned on Sept 24 that he has a brain tumour. He started a website with his reflections which are so full of courage and honesty.  His reflections inspire me.  You can find Michael's stories at: CaringBridge

5. Free e-book- Peacebuilders Toolbox

Early this year I co-authored Peacebuilders' Toolbox: 52 Online Resources For Peace Work with the current Co-Directors of the Canadian School of Peacebuilding: Wendy Kroeker and Valerie Smith. These are the online tools and guides we wish we had when we started our peace work.  Over 1700 copies have been shared this year.  You can get a free copy at the link above.

Blessings on your journey ahead. Feel free to share post as you see fit. 

Take Care,

Jarem Sawatsky

Copyright © 2015 private, All rights reserved.

Haaretz via New Israel Fund (Australia): Two New Defense Brass Join in Support for Breaking the Silence

"I too am breaking the silence," says ex-Shin Bet chief.
DF soldiers in the impossible situation in which politicians have abandoned them. The guidelines meant to silence the group are what damages and weakens the army."

Under heading 'I too am breaking the silence,' ex-Shin Bet chief and former northern police commander publish ad in favor of anti-occupation group, joining other…

Get involved with breakout groups at Consultation Day! on 13March16 - Email Project by 29Jan2016

Source: mass emailing 

Get involved with breakout groups at Consultation Day!

Get Involved with Afternoon Breakout Groups at Consultation Day

March 13, 2016     Venue: 92nd Street Y


Breakout sessions at Consultation Day will challenge us to focus on projects that will craft specific implementation plans inspired by the new global 2030 roadmap and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the NGO CSW concentrates on the advancement of women (SDG 5), it needs the cooperation of such agencies as UN Women, CSW, WHO, UNDP, DESA to bring about specific benefits for women in this precarious time of climate change, economic instability and inequality.

The rich solutions that will be put forward, based on experience and hard evidence, good practices in dealing with each issue and cross-pollination of good strategies will yield comprehensive plans in terms of the successful actions that must be undertaken to implement the ideals and goals contained in the individual SDGs. Planning at CSW 60 among disparate groups working through specific plans and putting together good practices in implementing cross-cutting goals like education, health, access to clean water, food security and housing will produce far-reaching goals to benefit many different constituencies across the globe. Sustainable solutions will enhance the likelihood that they will be incorporated into national strategies to provide development solutions through draft comprehensive plans and implementation strategies.

The idea is to create specific implementation action projects involving partnerships among various NGOs, possibly private sector groups or UN agencies, targeting issues put forward in the SDGs. For example, a project might focus on women (SDG 5) and cooperative farming (SDG 2 on Zero Hunger) and perhaps involve the FAO (UN Farm and Agriculture Organization).

We challenge the NGO Community to use their expertise and imagination to develop specific SDG implementation projects that focus on innovative ways to create new advocacy strategies and solutions for NGOs to work together to implement and realize the new SDGS. The projects should make full use of the expertise of the NGO Community in specific regions, the expertise of the agencies and other organizations of the UN, regional and national government agencies, civil society and the business sector.

Email a description of your project to
info@ngocsw.org  by January 29th with specific details as to its focus, what you want to accomplish and how you plan to achieve your goals.

An NGO CSW/NY panel will pick 16-20 projects (ahead of time) for group discussion during afternoon breakout sessions on Consultation Day. Regional representation will be prioritized.

The final proposals will be written up and submitted to the Commission on the Status of Women and UN Women for further discussion and dissemination to other UN agencies.

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Copyright © 2015 The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as a friend of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women.

Our mailing address is:
The NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017