30 August 2015

Channel 4: Homegrown play cancelled by the National Youth Theatre

Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel: Stark differences are revealed between American and Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews...

Stark differences are revealed between American and Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews, especially in income, politics, and education. Check out this piece by Ben Sales from JTA News citing new Taub Center and Pew Research Center research.
American haredi Orthodox Jews are different not only from other American Jews but also from Israeli haredim.

Global Winnipeg: Canada's police chiefs want legal authority to seize mail in transit to stem the flow of illicit drugs, fake medicine and weapons through the postal system.

Canada's police chiefs want legal authority to seize mail in transit to stem the flow of illicit drugs, fake medicine and weapons through the postal system.

29 August 2015

Channel 4 News: Footage has emerged of a confrontation between Palestinian activists and an Israeli soldier attempting to detain a 12-year-old boy.

Footage has emerged of a confrontation between Palestinian activists and an Israeli soldier attempting to detain a 12-year-old boy.
The boy, whose arm is in a cast, is thought to have been throwing stones at the Israeli soldiers.
An army spokesman said the boy was identified as a stone thrower and during the arrest a “violent provocation by a number of Palestinians developed, including women and children. In light of the violent altercation, the commander decided to not to go ahead with the detention."

28 August 2015

Organisational Structure of CSIS - last updated (02May2014)

Source:  https://www.csis.gc.ca/bts/rgnztn-en.php

Organizational Structure of CSIS

The CSIS organizational structure is depicted in the following diagram.
Diagram of CSIS organization chart

Organizational Structure of CSIS - text version


  • Assistant Director (Legal Services)
  • Chief Audit Executive Internal Audit / Senior Officer for Disclosure of Wrongdoing
  • Deputy Director (Operations)
  • Assistant Director (Intelligence)
  • Assistant Director (Human Resources)
  • Assistant Director (Technology) / Chief Information Officer
  • Assistant Director (Policy and Strategic Partnerships)
  • Deputy Director Administration / (CFO)

Deputy Director (Operations)

  • Assistant Director (Collection)
  • Assistant Director (Operations)

Canadian Parliament: Mr. Tom Venner (Executive Director General, Security Screening Branch, Canadian Security Intelligence Service) at the Citizenship and Immigration Committee (16Feb2012)

On February 16th, 2012. See this statement in context.
See context to find out what was said next.

22 August 2015

United Nations Security Council: The Week Ahead at the UN Security Council -17August2015

Source: mass emailing


17 to 21 August 2015
Dear Debra,
Early this week Council members are expected to adopt a presidential statement in support of UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura's mediation efforts.
Tomorrow the UN Security Council will have an open debate on regional organisations and contemporary challenges for maintaining international peace and security.
On Wednesday, there will be the regular briefing and consultations on Israel/Palestine. Later that day Stephen O'Brien will brief on the humanitarian situation in Yemen.
On Thursday, Council members will hold a briefing on security sector reform.
Other isssues on the Council's programme of work include:
At the subsidiary body level there will be meetings on the 2140 Yemen Sanctions Committee, 1591 Sudan and 2206 South Sudan Sanctions Committees as well as the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee.
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Owen Jones vs James Bloodworth on Labour leadership voter purge (21Aug15)

16 August 2015

KVOS Special: Julian Bond Interview via Western Washington University - 18May1967

Julian Bond

We've lost a champion. http://sp.lc/QX8aB
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of legendary civil rights activist Julian Bond, SPLC's first president. He was 75 years old and died last evening, August 15, in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
From his days as the co-founder and communications director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s to his chairmanship of the NAACP in the 21st century, Julian was a visionary and tireless champion for civil and human rights. He served as the SPLC's president from our founding in 1971 to 1979, and later as a member of its board of directors.
With Julian's passing, the country has lost one of its most passionate and eloquent voices for the cause of justice. He advocated not just for African Americans, but for every group, indeed every person subject to oppression and discrimination, because he recognized the common humanity in us all.
Julian is survived by his wife, Pamela Horowitz, a former SPLC staff attorney, and his five children.
Not only has the country lost a hero today, we've lost a great friend.
- Morris Dees, co-founder and chief trial attorney of the Southern Poverty Law Center

13 August 2015

Idle No More : Check out the 2013-2014 Idle No More Year in Review!

Source: mass emailing

Idle No More

Check out the 2013-2014 Idle No More Year in Review!

INM Year in Review Cover Image2014 was a busy year for Idle No More, in Canada, across Turtle Island, and globally, as the movement entered a new phase, consolidating and deepening its organizing for effective long-term change through mass education, grassroots strategy building, and local and mass actions.

This document cannot hope to capture all of the inspiring work that is done everyday by the hundreds of Idle No More groups around the world.

This Year in Review lifts up some of the powerful actions, gatherings, and organizing out on the land and in the streets as we continue to build this peaceful revolution to honour Indigenous sovereignty and protect the land and water.

Idle No More Info

Press TV: Death of youth outrages Kashmiris

11 August 2015

Aswat Palestinian Gay Women: وقف #3 : معرض " ليس الذكر كالأنثى" وحفلة أصوات الصيفية

Source: mass emailing

موقف #3 : معرض " ليس الذكر كالأنثى" وحفلة أصوات الصيفية 
Copyright © *|2015|* *|Aswat Palestinian Gay Women|*, All rights reserved.

08 August 2015

StStephens Community House: Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy Deputation – Derek George

Sinn Féin: Jeremy Corbyn at 'West Belfast Talks Back'

anphoblacht: Lynn Boylan MEP on Ibrahim Halawa case

Head to Head - Immigration: How much is too much?

RT: Shootings, stabbings, explosions: Violence spikes in Sweden

Politics and polemics: Europe's immigration story - The Listening Post (Full) via Al Jazeera

Morsi’s death sentence: Who to blame? - George Galloway - Comment - Press TV - 21st May 2015

Comment w/ George Galloway - How is ISIL funded? (PressTV, 24 JUL 2015)

04 August 2015

New Israel Fund: Quick update from Israel - 04 August 2015

Source: mass emailing

Debra V. --

The news from Israel last week was devastating. I've been in constant touch with our colleagues in Israel and I can tell you that most Israelis are heartbroken by the two acts of violence -- the arson in the West Bank that killed 18-month-old Ali Dawabsha and the stabbings at the Jerusalem Pride Parade that killed Shira Banki -- and are also bracing themselves for the possibility that there might be yet more violence ahead.

NIF exists to build a better Israel and to support Israelis committed to promoting democracy and equality. The events of the past few days demonstrate just how vital this work is.

Allow me to share a quick sense of the work our partners have done in the few days since these attacks:

(1) Tag Meir -- a coalition representing religious and secular Israelis -- has become the go-to organization for Israelis who want to stand up and be counted in their opposition to acts of violence committed by extremists.

On Friday, Tag Meir organized a large vigil in Jerusalem. They prayed for the healing of the injured. And they called for the authorities to take immediate action.

On Sunday, the group brought over a hundred Israelis to pay a condolence visit to the West Bank village of Douma and to the extended family of the firebomb victims. Visitors offered prayers for the victims and hope for a future marked by equality instead of hatred.

(2) The Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance -- a pillar of the Israeli gay rights movement -- held a major demonstration in Jerusalem's Zion Square on Saturday under the banner "Love Always Wins."

President Reuven Rivlin spoke at the rally. He challenged all Israelis to engage in a moment of national self-reflection as a first step to guide Israel back to a place where violence and extremism are more forcefully rejected. I encourage you to read a translation of his powerful speech here.

(3) Molad -- a think tank committed to progressive values -- published a report on Friday exposing government funding for organizations that have voiced support for "Price Tag" attacks. Bringing this information to light is a key step in drying up the Netanyahu government's funding for extremist groups.

We all hope that the violence of the last week will not recur. At the same time, we all know that it's going to take a great deal of work -- including efforts by Israel's civil society organizations -- to sustain a powerful groundswell of support for an inclusive, more tolerant society.

Israel could very well be at a tipping point right now, and the radicals know it. Israelis who have spoken up against ultra-nationalist extremism are coming under tremendous personal pressure. President Rivlin's office contacted police over the death threats he has received. We, too, at NIF have had to take extra steps to protect our staff in light of some of the threats we've received.

While we take these threats seriously, you should know that our staff in Israel is working through it all to make real our vision of Israel as a truly shared society where every person and every culture matters.

At its most basic level, NIF is a partnership of individuals who care about Israel and who pool our resources to support Israelis at the frontlines of the struggle for a better Israel. We and our allies are organizing to build an alternative to Israel's drift toward nationalist extremism.

Together, this partnership builds an Israel where racism is never condoned, an Israel where hate crimes are punished, an Israel that lives up to the best of Jewish and humanistic values.

I am inspired by the work taking place in Israel. And I am also amazed by the response from the network of NIF supporters around the globe. Hundreds of individuals have made donations to NIF since news broke of Thursday's dreadful events. If you feel moved to join them and to support the work being done to promote a better Israel, you can do so here.

Thank you for being part of this partnership.

Daniel Sokatch, CEO
New Israel Fund

I removed the hyperlink for privacy reasons, and if you are interested in donating to NIF please see:

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