21 April 2015

Guardian: Thirty years in jail for a single hair: the FBI's 'mass disaster' of false conviction

"The results, first reported by the Washington Post, concluded that an astonishing 26 of the 28 FBI agents who had provided testimony as expert witnesses at trial based on microscopic hair analysis had made statements to juries that were known to be false."

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/apr/21/fbi-jail-hair-mass-disaster-false-conviction

Thirty years in jail for a single hair: the FBI's 'mass disaster' of false conviction

A ‘dirty bomb’ of pseudo-science wrapped up nearly 268 cases – perhaps hundreds more. Now begins the ‘herculean effort to right the wrongs’
Swirl of hair on head

 In 2013, the FBI admitted that the foundations of what it called ‘hair comparison evidence’ were scientifically invalid. Photograph: Sarah Lee

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