25 May 2014

Palestinian Mission UK: This Flesh is Mine - A new play by Brian Woolland

Source: mass emailing

Border Crossings/Ashtar Theatre Company
A new play by Brian Woolland
presented in association with Ashtar Theatre (Palestine) and The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
19th - 25th May
Achilles, the greatest of the Achaean warriors, refuses to fight; angered that King Agamemnon has stolen his captive slave-girl, Briseis.
"She shares my tent, she shares my bed.
Her flesh is mine."
But Briseis has dreams and desires of her own.
Produced in collaboration with Ashtar Theatre from Palestine, Brian Woolland's taut and poetic new play for Border Crossings brings together Homer's Troy and the Middle East of today: worlds shaken by cycles of violence and revenge, by ambition and self-interest masquerading as idealism; worlds struggling towards any possibility of reconciliation.
This site specific production at the unique Testbed1 in Battersea is complimented by food stalls, music, politics and art - a Middle Eastern feast for the senses.
19th – 25th May
Mon-Sat at 7.30pm
Education matinee Thurs 22nd May at 1 pm
Sat matinee at 2.30 pm
Sun matinee at 4 pm

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