14 December 2018

Commanders for Israel's Security: CIS campaign update, 12 December 2018

Source: mass emailing

Cis Logo
Dear Debra V. Wilson,

Just Getting Started

One week into the most ambitious CIS campaign ever, I'd like to share with you what we've been doing in phase one (to last through December 31st), which is dedicated to introducing the subject of "No annexation, separation!" into the public discourse.

We close the first week with well over two hundred signatures of retired IDF generals and Mossad, Shin Bet and police equivalents, on full page ads featuring the campaign's theme:
"For Israel's Security, it's time to Divorce the Palestinians".

[CIS polling and focus groups found this formulation to be more effective than all others tested in overcoming psychological barriers to the notion of - and in enhancing/mobilizing support for - separation in the service of short term security and long term two-state solution.]

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

The campaign began on Thursday (December 6th), with over 500 billboards plastered all over the country, featuring several key leaders and calling upon them to lead that 'divorce'. The same message flooded smartphones, social media, and online news channels as well as full page ads in the press.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

This was also the beginning of free media activity by a dozen CIS members, accentuating the imminence of annexationists' plans to legislate West Bank annexation and the devastating consequences to Israel's security and otherwise should they have their way (as detailed in the CIS report: "Ramifications of West Bank Annexation"); as well as the need and opportunity for separating from the Palestinians (as spelled out in the CIS plan: "Security First").

Offline & FreeMedia

Thus far, press items have included the following (in chronological order):
(Click on the pictures to read or view)

In English

Maj. Gen. (Res.) Gadi Shamni
Yediot Ahronot op ed [English translation of the Hebrew original by Yediot]

Maj. Gen. (Res.) Danny Yatom, former Head of Mossad
Ynet interview [English subtitles]

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef
Times of Israel op ed

Mr. Rolly Gueron, former Mossad Division Chief
Kan Radio interview.

In Hebrew

Maj. Gen. (Res.) Avi Mizrachi
103FM interview

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef
Channel 20 TV interview

Prof. Uzi Arad, former National Security Adviser
Channel 13 TV interview

Brig. Gen. (Res) Giora Inbar
Kan News Radio interview

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef
Galei Israel Radio interview

Prof. Chuck Freilich, former Deputy National Security Adviser
Ynet op ed

Mr. Arye Pellman, Former Interim Head of Shin Bet
Channel 20 TV interview

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Ron Kitri
Galei Israel Radio interview

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef
103FM Radio interview


The CIS online activity has thus far been viewed (reached & visitors) as follows: 
  • Facebook:  2,100,000.
  • News channel banners: 1,000,000.
  • Movie clips: 1,900,000.
  • Dedicated mini-site visitations: 100,000.
  • Tweeter: 138,000.

I am at your disposal for any elaboration and will appreciate your feedback.

I'll keep you updated as we proceed.

Thank you for your support.

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Amnon Reshef

Commanders for Israel's Security
Senior Security Officials Promoting Political-Security Arrangements


Members of the movement | About Us

Khilat Saloniky 7.
Tel Aviv, 6951307. Israel
Office: +972-77-4347705

Security First - Read

FacebookCIS SiteContact

09 December 2018

In Canada: TSAS Grants!! Major Research Grants and Studentships!! & March TSAS Workshop

Source: mass emailing

December 15, 2016
Image result for images of grant fundingTSAS Grant and Studentship Deadline Fast Approaching!!!
TSAS Major Research Grants  (Up to $20,000/year for 2 years)

&   Studentships Grants ($5000-PhD & $3000-MA for field work or to subsidize travel to the TSAS Summer Academy
Deadline for both applications: 11:59pm, January 10, 2019.
New Researchers we ask that you apply for TSAS affiliation by Dec 15, 2018. 
  For details see TSAS website. 
Save the Date:  
TSAS Workshop - March 7, 2019
Image result for image of workshop
Hosted at Norman Patterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Please join us on March 7, 2019 for the TSAS Spring Research Workshop.
The workshop will showcase recently completed research by TSAS affiliates, and offer an opportunity to observe and participate in high-level discussions between researchers and policy makers on a variety of topics relevant to terrorism, security, and society in Canada.
We will be using a new format for this workshop!
1) 7-9 Speakers offering intensive,  5-8 minute long, "Thesis-style"  presentations 
2) Fish Bowl style conversations in which the presenters would be matched with a couple of reps for our government partners to have a high level conversation about the given subtopic in a breakout format. 
3) A return to the larger group to share results of the discussion. 
 Please stay tuned to our upcoming events pages for registration information.


67 Erb St W, Suite 206
Waterloo, ON N2L 6C2

delivered by Campaigner

22 September 2018

Latest updates from Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center - Sept. 2018

Source: mass emailing

A queer way out
The politics of queer emigration from Israel 

Book launch at Haifa Feminist Institute - Isha L'Isha
Hila Amit is a Mizrahi lesbian author and an independent researcher.
The book is based on her Phd research, which deals with the immigration of Israeli queers, the event was facilitated by Ruth Preser.

To see photos from the event: 


"The Impure" directed by Daniel Najenson.

Cinema Hadar and Isha L'Isha held a screening of "The Impure". 

A dark story which took place in Argentina in the early 20th century. The "Impure" was how the Argentinian Jewish pimps were called by the "normal" Jewish community. They were vicious organization leaders and brothel owners who practiced religious lives while trafficking thousands of unfortunate Eastern-European Jewish women. One of them was the director's relative.
The movie was followed by a talk with Dr. Sarai Aharoni, an activist in Isha L'Isha and and active member in our "Trafficking in Women" project.

Gun Free Kitchen Table's representative, Rela Mazali, speaks about personal safety and reacts to Gilaad Erden's plan, the Minister of Internal Security, who is easing restrictions to obtain a permit for owning a gun, which will make hundreds of thousands of additional civilians eligible to carry a firearm.
"Women who live in a violent climate inside their own homes are more in risk when weapons are around. It was proven in many cases around the world that the existence of weapons in the public sphere leads to a rise in homicide, accidents and suicides, Erden's plan ignores all of these facts."

To read the entire article, please press on this link:

To subscribe to Gun Free Kitchen Table's newsletter, please press on this link:


Women, Health, and Life with Dignity
Anat Horovitz, a long time activist and volunteer in Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center is the coordinator of a project called "Women, Health, and Life with Dignity," a project which she created with Dina Posniack and Tzviya Dei' under the umbrella of Isha L'Isha.

You can read about the project more in Isha L'Isha's website, please press on the links below:


Isha L'Isha representatives, alongside representatives from Physicians for Human Rights Israel, participated in a discussion at the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, headed by MK Aida Tuma. The main issue discussed was the denial of travel permits by Israel Authorities to women cancer patients in Gaza in order to receive treatment.
For the past few years, the World Health Organization has been repeatedly warning about the dire health crisis for cancer patients in Gaza. But what does it mean to be a cancer patient in the Gaza Strip? The health system is failing: there are not enough treatments and methods for diagnosis are insufficient. There is no access to radiation treatments, chemotherapy is only partially available, and medicines are scarce.
Every year, the Palestinian Health Ministry refers thousands of cancer patients for treatment outside of Gaza, to East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and sometimes to Jordan and Israel. However, approximately half of them cannot go because the Israeli Authorities refuse to issue them travel permits. In the last year, there has been a sharp increase in the number of women cancer patients who are denied entrance permits by the various authorities in Israel.
We at Isha L'Isha, together with other civil society organizations, such as "One out of Nine" and "Women and their Bodies" have joined Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) demanding that the authorities in Israel grant women cancer patients permits to travel for treatment purposes. The meeting at the Knesset committee was a result of our join efforts, and we are hoping to see a system-wide solution to the plight of cancer patients in Gaza.
Women without Status
Our Women without Status coordinator' Rawyah Handaqlu responds to Israel's law of citizenship and entry.

"A woman without status, whether she is educated and has a profession, will stay at home because she won't be able to obtain a work permit. Each one of the families who suffer from this law go through various experiences but they all share one thing in common, this law destroys families and lives."

To read the entire of the article, please press on this link:

Haifa Feminist Institute 
After a summer of intensive archival work and expanding our library's collection with titles in Arabic and on Arab women, led by Nicole Khayat, a historian and a co-founder of our Women Historians' Forum, we are soon to relaunch our public lectures series: Archive as a Political Action. The first events (in October and November) will host Lior Yavne, the CEO of Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research and talk about promoting victims' rights through research and documentation; and Sharon Maftsir, a social historian and a fellow at the HFI who will discuss emotional archives of romantic love in postcolonial Egypt (events' details can be found in our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HaifaFeministInstitute/ ).
We are continuing to rescue and absorb personal and organizational archives. Currently we are in the process of digitizing Marcia Friedman's Archive. Our lesbian/queer visual archive continuously expands, and now contains the works of over 19 artists as well as historical Fanzines and artifacts this is probably one of the most prominent efforts in Israel to map and collect visual aspect of lesbian and queer life and art. Yael Rosin, a lecturer in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design has initiated and leads this effort.
This fall we also intend to launch our feminist academy-beyond-academia, by offering courses in feminism and gender which are open and affordable for the greater public.
Check our Facebook for more details.

Our annual report for 2017 is out, please check it out here!




Donations help us continue our work, press here to donate
Copyright © 2017 Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:


Isha L'Isha--Haifa Feminist Center · 118 Arlozorov St. · Haifa 33276 · Israel

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