22 June 2016

Makom: Pride Services + Dinner with Makom + Annex Shul this Friday

Source: mass emailing

Check out your community's upcoming events.
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June 22, 2016
16 Sivan 5776
Dear Debra V.,

We're excited to announce a special, late addition to the calendar: Makom and Annex Shul will come together to celebrate Pride with Shabbat Services + Dinner this Friday! Register now; deadline is Thursday (tomorrow!) at noon. Details below.

The eighth-annual Downtown Tikkun Leil Shavuot: All-Night Jewish Learning Festival was amazing! With 700 people participating in more than 60 diverse classes and workshops, kids' and teens' programs, a community dinner, and beautiful evening and morning services, it truly was outstanding. If you were there, please fill out this super-brief survey. And if you weren't able to make it, mark your calendar now for May 30, 2017 so you won't miss out again.

Hope to see you Friday,
Aaron, Julia and the Makom Board:
Alex, Barak, Leora, Louise, Margie and Neil



This Friday, June 24
6:30pm – Doors open
6:45pm – Services start
@ Wolfond Centre – 36 Harbord St.
Register now; deadline: Thursday 12noon

Join Makom and Annex Shul as we celebrate Pride together with joyous, song-filled services and a delicious catered dinner.  Please note if you are a vegetarian or vegan in the "Add special instructions" box when you register.

Both women and men lead services and there is a low partition between women's, men's, and mixed seating; children are welcome in all sections.


3 Tuesdays: June 28, July 12 & 19
@ 65 Harbour Square (on Queen's Quay)
$60 for the series

Guided by Rabbi Aaron, we'll explore a variety of topics through text study and lively discussion:
  • Organ donation, definition of death & physician-assisted suicide
  • The Book of Ruth
  • The Origins & Development of Kashrut (Kosher Laws & Customs)
No Hebrew necessary. Feel free to bring your lunch; we'll provide snacks and an incredible view of the Lake!

Email Rabbi Aaron with any questions and to sign up.


Aug 29 – Sept 2
@ Miles Nadal JCC
$325 per child

Kids will love the last week of summer with Makom Camp as we go on scavenger hunts, create art projects, learn Hebrew vocabulary, explore parks, do fun science experiments and much more, in a warm and loving community!

For children entering JK to grade 4. Campers must be 4 years old by start of camp due to new Provincial regulations.

More info here; register hereQuestions? Contact Rabbi Julia Appel.


Makom needs YOU to contribute to our new home gift registry. Looking to honour or memorialize someone or mark a special occasion? Your donation can be noted for that and both you and the designated person will receive an acknowledgement.

With items for sponsorship ranging from $18 to $1,000, EVERYONE can and should contribute! We've also listed used items Makom needs; we particularly need additional floor lamps, silverware, and rugs. Please give generously so we can afford rent, renos and more.


Since last October, Makom has been holding weekly Friday night services. In order to keep them going, we need volunteers to help with opening and closing the storefront, leading services, giving a devar Torah, and volunteer coordination. These leadership roles are easy, yet important. Please contact Neil today and let him know how you'd like to help.


Hebrew Immersion & Jewish Learning
After School up to 5 Days a Week

Watch the Video

Looking for a quality Jewish learning program for your child? Need after-school care? Many downtown families have already chosen Makom Afterschool for their children's Jewish education. Innovative and pluralistic, our Hebrew-immersion after-school program is for children in JK through Grade 4 (and growing!). Our three locations at local public schools offer five days a week of integrated Hebrew and Jewish learning 3:30-5:30pm: Kensington Market (Spadina & College), Seaton Village (Bathurst & Bloor), and Hillcrest Village (Christie & St Clair).

Students walk up the hall or down the street with our teachers, or bus together with other students, to get to class. Families enrol for between two and five days a week. All children attend Monday and Wednesday Core Days. Enrichment Days are Tuesday (Arts & Music), Thursday (Movement & Sports), and Friday (Hands-On Jewish Enrichment). The focus for all days is Hebrew language and Jewish knowledge, accomplished through Hebrew immersion and experiential learning.

For more info and to register, see our website or contact Rabbi Julia Appel, Director of Education and Family Programming.


Come work with us!
Positions Available:
  • Hebrew Teachers
  • Jewish Life Teachers
  • Hebrew Immersion Arts and Music Teachers
  • Hebrew Immersion Movement, Sports, and Israeli Dance Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants
Click for full job descriptions, qualifications, and application instructions.
Please help spread the word.


Aaron Vincent Elkaim's photographic journey through Jewish Morocco
Curator: Evelyn Tauben

We're very excited to announce that the second installation in the Makom Window Gallery and the first exhibition inside our new space is now on view, featuring the striking photographs of Aaron Vincent Elkaim.

The images track Elkaim's travels in Morocco, the birthplace of his father, to Jewish sites in various stages of use and abandon. The portfolio reveals the complex layers of the relationships between the Jews of Morocco and their Muslim neighbours, who continue to be the guardians of Jewish cemeteries, synagogues and shrines to tzaddikim (revered rabbis known for their miraculous deeds) long after the vast majority of Jews have left.

Pass by our window or come into Makom to discover this past and present story of co-existence.

There will be dedicated evening visitor hours on July 6 and July 28 from 5 to 8pm as well as a gathering with the photographer on Tuesday, August 9; more details to come.

More info on our website.


Makom – meaning place or space in Hebrew – is a joyous, grassroots, downtown Jewish community integrating art, activism, spirituality, and learning.

Please support Makom and help build downtown Jewish life.


This Friday, June 24

June 28, July 12 & 19

Rosh Hashanah: Oct 3-4
Yom Kippur: Oct 11-12


Watch the Video

Watch the Video


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Copyright © 2016 Makom, All rights reserved.

141 Markham Street
Toronto, ON M6J 2G4


Economics: A Sexist Science? Dr Hannah Bargawi, SOAS University of London

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE): Voices of Parents

21 June 2016

Bibi Takes His Time to Speak Up About Incitement Against IDF Commander

Source: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.725995

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the scene of a terrorist attack in downtown Tel Aviv on Thursday, June 9, 2016.Tomer Appelbaum

20 June 2016

16 June 2016

Shabak: Monthly Summary – May 2016

Source: http://www.shabak.gov.il/English/EnTerrorData/Reports/Pages/ReportE090616.aspx

Monthly Summary – May 2016
May's terrorist attacks did not result in any fatalities, but injured 12 Israelis – 4 civilians and 8 security personnel: 5 were injured instabbing attacks (the 4 civilians in Jerusalem and one soldier in Tel Aviv); 3 security personnel were injured in a ramming attack near Beitunia/Ramallah (Judea), 2 in IED attacks in Hizma (north-east of Jerusalem) and Isawiya (northern Jerusalem), and 2 as a result offirebomb attacks in Isawiya.

As in April, May saw no Jewish terrorist attacks.

Data regarding terror attacks in May 2016
Following is a regional distribution of attacks:  16 attack from the Gaza Strip, (3 in April); 67 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (75 in April); 17attacks in Jerusalem (35 in April); 1 within the "Green Line" (2 in April).

Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed inMay 65 out of 84 were in the form of firebombs (April: 91 out of 110).

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

Following is a distribution of attacks in May 2016 according to regions:

The Gaza Strip – 16 attacks: 2 rocket launchings; 12 mortar shell launchings; 2 small arms shooting.

Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 84 attacks: 11 IED (including pipe bombs and improvised grenade) (1 in Jerusalem); 4 small arms shooting; 3 stabbing (in Jerusalem); 1 run over; 65 firebombs (13 in Jerusalem).

The "Green Line" – one stabbing attack in Tel Aviv.

High-trajectory launchings from Gaza Strip and Sinai

Throughout May 2016 three rockets were launched** from the Gaza Strip towards Israel (within 2 attacks) and 19 mortar shells (within 12 attacks), as opposed to April in which no rockets or mortar shells were launched.

**Clarification: The number of launchings is the number of rockets/mortar shells actually launched during one high-trajectory fire attack. For example: one attack may include a salvo of three launchings, that is, three rockets/ mortar shells, and so it will be counted as one attack and three launchings.

14 June 2016

Former CSIS Head Richard Fadden On Foreign Influence Parts 1 and 2 - (Two (2) Videos) circa 2010

"I would argue that it is good public policy for Canadians to be more attuned to the threats that the country faces." - Former CSIS Director Richard Fadden at approx 1:42

"Having said this I stand by my message on foreign interference.  It is a concern and a threat...It is desirable that this threat be known and discussed." - Former CSIS Director Richard Fadden at approx 3:06

03 June 2016

IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces: “You’re alright. Don’t change.” An IDF soldier on being out, gay, and religious

“You’re alright. Don’t change.” An IDF soldier on being out, gay, and religious
Israel Defense Forces at IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces - 44 minutes ago
Today marks the beginning of LGBT Pride celebrations in Israel. To kick it off, we interviewed Cpl. Yehonatan, who serves in the foreign relations department as part of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Unit. As a soldier

Guardian: Queer and going to the mosque: 'I’ve never felt more Muslim than I do now'

After years of shame affecting her relationship with faith, Samra Habib found Unity mosque, a nonjudgmental spiritual community to meet others like herself
theguardian.com|By Samra Habib